In this video Sam responds to questions and comments on the list of topics below: He addresses each topic by demonstrating his solution at the lathe. -Chucking without a tenon -Dealing with the burr on In this video Sam responds to questions and comments on the list of topics below: He addresses each topic by demonstrating his solution at the lathe.
-Chucking without a tenon
-Dealing with the burr on a scraper
-Leveling off a trivet-
-Sharpening a bandsaw blade
-What steel is OK for a CBN Wheel

Tooth setting tool for a bandsaw blade: Link-

Easy Bandsaw Sharpening Jig (link) with John Heisz

I am now an authorized Robust lathe dealer. Please contact me if you have any questions. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Interested in a Robust Lathe-watch my videos below on these fine, American made machines.
The Robust American Beauty Lathe: A Closer Look
For more information on the Robust Sweet 16 wood lathe, watch my video: Sweet 16 lathe tour
Scout Lathe Tour…Video from Sam Angelo