Sam goes through the process of turning a low-profile Walnut bowl-from cutting the bowl blank to applying a walnut oil finish. A follow-up video will go into more detail on applying the final oil finish. Sam goes through the process of turning a low-profile Walnut bowl-from
cutting the bowl blank to applying a walnut oil finish. A follow-up video will go into more detail on applying the final oil finish.
This bowl was turned for Bruce B. the president of the Yellowstone Woodturners Club in Billings, Mt. He has decided to move out of state to be closer to family.

If you are interested in videos pertaining to all aspect of bowl turning, check out these playlists: 1)
2) (Turning bowls)

This index of "chapters" will help you locate areas of interest found in the video. Just click the time code next to the description
00:00 Start of video
02:00 Analyzing the Walnut slabs
04:30 Bandsawing the blanks
06:00 Mounting the blank with a faceplate
09:00 Forming the Tenon
12:20 Turning the bottom
17:44 Balancing the Blank removing wood from the top of the bowl
20:35 Reversing the blank
21:20 removing wood from the “top” inside of the bowl
26:00 Applying a finish
28:00 Final reversing/completing the foot
33:11 Photos of completed bowl

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I am now an authorized Robust lathe dealer. Please contact me if you have any questions. 307.431.5395 As a bonus for purchasing a Robust lathe through my dealership, I will provide one full day (6 hours) of instruction in my shop in Billings, Mt.

For more information on the Robust Sweet 16 wood lathe, watch my video: Sweet 16 lathe tour

Scout Lathe Tour…Video from Sam Angelo