If you're interested in a Robust Lathe, please let me know and I will answer any of your questions. I have two American Beauty lathes ready to ship. Let me know if you want the details on these loaded Robust Lathes.
You can contact me at.
Thanks-and please subscribe to my video channel learn2turnwithsam.
Chapter time codes-just click on the time and jump to the desired area of the video
00:00 Introduction
01:12 The project explained
01:52 Chucking up the bowl
02:53 Turning the bottom of the bowl
03:05 Work on the tenon
05:17 Work on the rim
06:30 Shape the bowl
07:23 Reverse the bowl into the Chuck
08:53 Clean up the rim
09:49 Turn the inside of the bowl
11:11 Clean up with the scraper
11:55 Using a bottom feeder
12:51 Clean up the bottom with a scraper
13:35 Applying a finish
14:36 Reverse and complete the bottom
16:22 Develop a foot on the bowl
17:59 Final touches on the foot
18:38 Remove the center nib
19:42 Conclusion